Agenda / Slides
Tuesday Jan 13 BESIII/CLEO-c Workshop
IHEP Beijing
8:30 The BESIII and CLEO-c Projects and Charm -- Chair Prof.
Minghan Ye
8:30 Opening Remarks Hesheng Chen
8:40 CLEO-c
Program Overview (pdf
version) Ian Shipsey
9:10 CLEO-c
Detector (pdf
version) Steve Gray
9:40 CESR-c
Experience (pdf
version) D.Rubin
10:10 Break
10:30 The
BESIII/BEPCII Project Weiguo Li
11:00 The
BESIII Detector Yifang Wang
11:30 Theoretical
Challenges in Charm Physics (pdf
version) Ikaros Bigi
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Charm Physics -- Chair Prof. Miland Purohit
1:30 Hadronic
D Decays Jim Alexander
1:55 Precision
Charm Experiments and Precision LQCD Shoji Hashimoto
2:25 Leptonic
and Semileptonic Decays Jim Wiss
3:00 Break
3:20 Charm
Physics Potential at BESIII Kanglin He
3:50 Charm
Physics at BELLE Pavel Pakhlov
4:20 Charm
Effects in phi_3 Measurements (pdf
version) Alex Bondar
4:50 Adjourn
Wednesday Jan 14 BESIII/CLEO-c Workshop
IHEP Beijing
8:30 ccbar Spectroscopy -- Chair Prof. Zhipeng Zheng
8:30 ccbar
Spectroscopy Theory Ted Barnes
9:00 Challenges
and Opportunities for Charmonium Physics at CLEO-c
Kam Seth
9:30 ccbar
Spectroscopy Below the DDbar Threshold Roberto Mussa
10:00 Break
10:20 Some
issues in charmonium physics Kuang-Ta Chao
10:50 Charmonium
Physics at BESIII Changzheng Yuan
11:20 Open
and Hidden Charm Spectroscopy at PANDA Klaus Peters
11:50 Lunch
1:30 Light Hadron Spectroscopy -- Chair Prof. Jim Alexander
1:30 Glueballs
Hybrids and Other Gluonic Excitations Colin Morningstar
2:00 Glueball
Searches Experiment Jim Napolitano
2:30 Light
Hadron Spectroscopy with J/psi at BESIII Xiaoyan Shen
3:00 Break
3:20 Discussion
4:50 Adjourn
Thursday Jan 15 BESIII/CLEO-c Workshop
IHEP Beijing
8:30 R; tau; and Baryons -- Chair Prof. Kuang-Ta Chao
8:30 Low
Energy R Measurements with ISR Dong Su
9:00 CLEO
Experience with R Measurements Steve Dytman
9:30 R
Scans and QCD Studies at BESIII Haiming Hu
10:00 Break
10:20 Tau
Physics Theory Antonio Pich
10:50 Tau
Physics Opportunities Near Threshold Jean DuBoscq
11:20 Charm
Baryons John Yelton
11:50 Lunch
1:30 Rare D Decays and Workshop Summary -- Chair Prof. Fred
1:30 DDbar
Mixing CPV and Rare D Decays Theory (pdf
version) Ikaros Bigi
2:00 DDbar
Mixing CPV and Rare D Decays Experiment David Asner
2:30 CP
Tests in tau and charm Decay Jianping Ma
2:50 Rare
tau Decaays from Extra Dimension Models Wefu Chang
3:10 Probing
New Physics in tau/mu Flavor Violation Tao Han
3:30 Break
3:50 Workshop
Summary David Cassel
4:30 Closing
Remarks Fred Harris
4:35 Adjourn