[New "Charmonium" States ]
Xiaoyan Shen's talk at LEPTON-PHOTON 2005
Shuwei's ISR Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 142001 (2005) , hep-ex/0506081
Frank's B decay Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 142001 (2005) .
On R scans hep-ex/0405007 .
On Hybrids .
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Belle Phys.Rev.Lett.91:262001,2003 , BaBar Phys.Rev.D71:071103,2005 , CDF Phys.Rev.Lett.93:072001,2004 , D0 Phys.Rev.Lett.93:162002,2004
BaBar : Search for charged partner Phys.Rev.D71:031501,2005 , Search for X(3872) -> J/psi eta Phys.Rev.Lett.93:041801,2004 R = 0/+ hep-ex/0507090 .
Belle : X(3872)-->gamma J/psi , X(3872)-->omega J/psi LP 2005 J(PC) quantum numbers of the X(3872) LP 2005 .
ISR : Search for X(3872) in gamma gamma Fusion and ISR at CLEO Phys.Rev.Lett.94:032004,2005 , in the e+e- -> 4h in ISR by BaBar Phys.Rev.D71:052001,2005 .
Belle's talks : Olsen at APS05 Chistov at QCD05, LaThuile , Pakhlov at EPS05 , Lesiak at HADRON2005 .
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Belle :
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Theoretical Comments
If glueball, B(Y -> Jpsi pipi) should be ~ B(Y -> Phi pipi) ( Zhu ) .
I.Bigi et. al hep-ph/0510307.
l Xiang Liu, Xiao-Qiang Zeng, Xue-Qian Li hep-ph/0507177 .
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What's this from CDF?
Search for narrow resonances below Y(1S) meson