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The ppt files of the tutorials can been gotten from here . [2006-03-01]
The short HowTo concerning EventNavigator package usage in BES3 software: HTML PDF. [2006-02-02]
The reports of Software/analysis/physics of BESIII Collaboration Meeting have been put in BOOS homepage. You can get them from memu Meetings . [2006-01-13]
The access control for CVS has been created .Only those who allowed could commit to CVS. You can see the avail file to confirm whether you may commit files.
If the avail file didn't list the files that you need commit access, please contact with Ma Qiumei.[2005-12-09]
Now the data is placed in the /besdata/public/offline/data/ directory on the lxplus.

MCv5.0.0/ : Simulation data; BOSS version 5.0.0

REC/:  Reconstruction data
     ZYv5.0.0/:Using Zhang yao's reconstruction program, BOSS version 5.0.0

More imformation of data could be found here.[2005-12-03]

Some lxplus users got a runtime ROOT error when running reconstruction jobs on lxplus. This is because the default LD_LIBRARY_PATH defines the root path as /usr/local/root/lib. And /usr/local/root/lib is NOT what we need. So please reset your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to null using command,export LD_LIBRARY_PATH= ,in your .bash_profile. It is just a temporary hack. We will modify Root CMT interface to fix this problem later on.[2005-10-12]
You may have realized that our koala machine is being overwhelmed by increasing number of users. Please move to lxplus01 and lxplus02 as soon as you feel happy with the new environment.

The koala should be treated as an auxiliary environment in case lxplus or connection to computer center is down.[2005-10-11]

The website of BESIII Physics Software Group was created .Welcome to visit it and give some suggestion.Thanks. [2005-06-12]

Copyright @ 2005 . Designed by Wen Shuopin. Last Update : .