* Bulletins
* Important dates

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The "International Workshop on e+e- collisions from phi to psi" (PHIPSI09), will be held at Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, from Tuesday, October 13 to Friday, October 16 2009.

The goal of the Workshop is to discuss in detail the state of the art of various problems in hadronic physics at e+e- colliders from low to high energy and the potential of existing and future facilities.

A satellite meeting on radiative corrections and luminosity measurements will follow the workshop on Oct. 17, 2009. No registration fee is needed, all the participants of the PHIPSI09 are kindly invited to join.
"International Workshop on e+e- collisions from Phi to Psi"
Institue of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China

13 - 16 October 2009

  Important dates

Deadline for abstract: Sept. 15, 2009
Deadline of the registration: Sept. 15, 2009
Arrival: October 12-13, 2009
Beginning of the meeting: October 13, 2009
End of the meeting: October 16, 2009
Satellite meeting: October 17, 2009
Deadline for the proceedings: December 31, 2009


 Copyright@IHEP, webmaster:jiayh@ihep.ac.cn,update: 09/25/2009 12:07 PM