



* Bulletins
* Important dates

* Contributions and abstracts
* Proceedings
* Accommodation
* Transportation
* Tour
* Contact


The "International Workshop on e+e- collisions from phi to psi" (PHIPSI09), will be held at Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, from Tuesday, October 13 to Friday, October 16 2009.

The goal of the Workshop is to discuss in detail the state of the art of various problems in hadronic physics at e+e- colliders from low to high energy and the potential of existing and future facilities.

A satellite meeting on radiative corrections and luminosity measurements will follow the workshop on Oct. 17, 2009. No registration fee is needed, all the participants of the PHIPSI09 are kindly invited to join.
"International Workshop on e+e- collisions from Phi to Psi"
Institue of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China

13 - 16 October 2009

* On-site Registration:

The registration time is from 15:00-18:00 on Oct. 12 and 8:30-9:00 on Oct. 13. The place is the 2nd floor of the IHEP Main Building A214. If you arrive late, you can also do the registration during the coffee break on Oct. 13.


1. Place and Date.

The "International Workshop on e+e- collisions from phi to psi"(PHIPSI09), will be held at Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, from Tuesday,October 13 to Friday, October 16 2009. This is the seventh workshop in a series, which started in Karlsruhe in 1996 and continued in Novosibirsk (1999), SLAC (2001), Pisa (2003), Novosibirsk (2006), and Frascati (2008), carrying now the name "From Phi to Psi" first used at the Novosibirsk workshop in 1999. The goal of the Workshop is to discuss in detail the state of the art of various problems in hadronic physics at e+e- colliders from low to high energy and the potential of existing and future facilities.

A satellite meeting on radiative corrections and luminosity measurements will follow the workshop on Oct. 17, 2009. No registration fee is needed, all the participants of the PHIPSI09 are kindly invited to join.

2. International Advisory Committee

K. T. Chao (Peking University)
H. Czyz (Silesia University)
M. Davier (Orsay, LAL)
A. Denig (Karlsruhe University, IEKP)
E. de Rafael (Marseille, CPT)
S. Eidelman (Novosibirsk, Budker)
F. A. Harris (Hawaii University)
F. Jegerlehner (Humboldt University)
J. H. Kuehn (Karlsruhe University)
S. L. Olsen (Seoul National University)
B. Lee Roberts (Boston University)
S. Serednyakov (Novosibirsk, Budker)
E. P. Solodov (Novosibirsk, Budker)
A. Vainshtein (Minnesota University)
G. Venanzoni (INFN, Frascati)
Y. F. Wang (IHEP, Beijing)
B. S. Zou (IHEP, Beijing)

3. Local Organizing Committee

L. J. Guo (secretary of the workshop)
Y. H. Jia (secretary of the workshop)
S. Jin
W. D. Li
H. B. Li
X. H. Mo
R. G. Ping
P. Wang
T. Z. Xu
C. Z. Yuan (Chair of the workshop)
Q. Zhao
Y. S. Zhu

4. Preliminary Workshop Schedule

Monday, Oct. 12

15:00 - 18:00 Registration

Tuesday, Oct. 13

8:30 - 9:00 Registration 0h30'
9:00 - 9:15 Welcome 0h15'
9:15 - 10:30 Plenary Session 1h15'
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:20 Plenary Session 1h20'
12:20 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:30 Plenary Session 2h00'
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 - 18:00 Plenary Session 2h00'
18:30 - 21:00 Welcome Reception

Wednesday, Oct. 14

8:30 - 10:10 Plenary Session 1h40'
10:10 - 10:40 Coffee break
10:40 - 12:20 Plenary Session 1h40'
12:20 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:30 Plenary Session 2h00'
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 - 18:00 Plenary Session 2h00'

Thurday, Oct. 15

9:00 - 15:00 Excursion: Visit of the Great Wall, Ming Tomb, and Olympic Stadium

18:30 - 21:00 Conference Banquet

Friday, Oct. 16

8:30 - 10:10 Plenary Session 1h40'
10:10 - 10:40 Coffee break
10:40 - 12:20 Plenary Session 1h40'
12:20 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:30 Plenary Session 2h00'
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 - 18:00 Plenary Session 2h00'
18:30 close of the workshop

Saturday, Oct. 17, Satellite meeting

8:30 - 10:10 Plenary Session 1h40'
10:10 - 10:40 Coffee break
10:40 - 12:20 Plenary Session 1h40'
12:20 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:10 Plenary Session 1h40'
15:10 - 15:40 Coffee break
15:40 - 17:10 Plenary Session 1h40'
18:00 close of the workshop

4. Preliminary scientific Program

I. R measurements and implications for theory

1. KLOE measurement of the pion form factor�� TBA
2. e+e- --> charm cross sections via ISR�� Galina Pakhlova
3. Study of the process e+e- --> pi+pi-2pi0 below 1 GeV�� A.G. kharlamov
4. Pion form factor from ISR at BaBar, Wenfeng Wang,
5. e+e--->hadrons via ISR at BaBar��Evgeni Solodov
6. Results from the ISR measurements e+e- to 2K2pi and 2K2pi0 at BaBar, Miriam Fritsch
7. How to extract precise values for the strong coupling and for the charm quark mass from e+e- data in the region between 2 and 5 GeV, using recent multiloop
perturbative results, Johann H. Kuehn


II. muon g-2

1. Estimates of a_mu(pi pi) from a global fit tau data and e+e- to several final states, Maurice Benayoun
2. Review on hadronic LbL contribution to g-2, Andreas Nyffeler
3. Progress in IB corrections�� Gabriel Lopez Castro
4. Review on lowest order hadronic contribution to g-2, Michel Davier
5. The muon g-2 discrepancy: Errors or new physics?, Massimo Passera
6. g-2 project status, Lee ROBERTS


III. Radiative corrections

1. ��Working Group on Rad. Corrections and MC Generators for Low Energies" activities�� Henryk Czyz
2. Complex mass renormalization in effective field theory and prospects for VCS and FSR��Stefan Scherer
3. News of PHOTOS Monte Carlo for cases of gamma*->pi+pi- (gamma) amd K+ ->pi+pi- e+ nu_e (gamma)��Qingjun Xu
4. Status and accuracy of Monte Carlo generators for luminosity measurement, Guido Montagna


IV. Form Factors and OZI rule

1. New data on pi0, eta, eta' transition form factors, Vladimir Druzhinin
2. Nucleon form factors via ISR��Rinaldo Baldini-Ferroli
3. Nucleon form factors and Spectroscopy at Panda, Egle Tomasi-Gustafsson
4. Two photon exchange contribution to proton form factors in both space-like and time-like regions, Zhou Hai-qing
5. Pointlike Baryons? Simone Pacetti


V. Light and Heavy Spectroscopy

1. KLOE results on scalar and pseudoscalar meson��TBA
2. Light hadrons at BESIII, Klaus Goetzen,
3. Charmed meason and baron spectroscopy at Belle��Henryk Palka
4. Study of charmonium spin-singlets at CLEOc��TBA
5. Charmonium spectroscopy at BESIII, Ronggang Ping
6. XYZ particles at Belle�� Chengping Shen
7. XYZ particles at BaBar��Elisabetta Prencipe


VI. Tau-lepton physics

1. Tau lepton decays at Belle�� Simon Eidelman
2. Rare decays of tau lepton at Belle��Markus Bischofberger
3. Rare tau decays from Babar��George Lafferty
4. Tau mass measurement at BESIII and energy calibration system at BEPCII, Xiaohu Mo


VII. Gamma-gamma physics

1. Gamma gamma physics with KLOE�� TBA
2. Measurement of two-photon processes at Belle, Hideyuki Nakazawa
3. Nature of light scalars through photon-photon collisions��N. Achasov


VIII. Flavor physics

1. Results from NA48 on kaon decays��Cristina Lazzeroni
2. Can CPT symmetry be tested with K0 versus K0 to pi+pi-pi0 decays, ZhiZhong XING
3. Recent results on Strangeness, Charm and Beauty production at HERA, Shuangshi Fang
4. DDbar mixing and quantum-correlation at CLEOc, TBA
5. DDbar mixing and other charm results at Belle, Li Zhao
6. DDbar mixing and other charm results from Babar, Brian Meadows
7. Semi-leptonic decays of D and Ds at CLEOc, TBA
8. Hadronic decays and Dalitz analysis of charmed mesons at CLEOc, TBA
9. Charm physics at BESIII, Gang Rong
10. SuperBelle experiment, Pasha Pakhlov


IX. Quarkonium decays

1. Measurement of J/psi to eta_c gamma at KEDR, V.M.Malyshev@inp.nsk.su
2. Charmonium decays at CLEOc��TBA
3. Isospin violating mechanisms in quarkonium hadronic decays, Zhao Qiang,
4. Study a0(980)-f0(980) mixing from charmonium decays, Wu Jia-jun
5. Strong and Electromagnetic J/psi and psi(2S) Decays into Pion and Kaon Pairs, Henryk Czyz


TBA= speaker to be assigned

5. Workshop fee

The Workshop fee is 2500 Yuan (1 euro = 9.7 yuan, 1 US dollar = 6.8 yuan as of Sept. 2009). This includes a conference-kit, lunches, social events, coffee breaks and a copy of the proceedings. The workshop fee can be paid at the registration desk upon arrival. All registration fee must be in Chinese RMB only. Please note that the credit card payment cannot be accepted.

The registration time is from 15:00-18:00 on Oct. 12 and 8:30-9:00 on Oct. 13. The place is the 2nd floor of the IHEP Main Building. If you arrive late, you can also do the registration during the coffee break on Oct. 13.

The registration fee for each family member is 900 Yuan. For family members, you will enjoy the reception, the banquet, and the conference excursion.

6. Social Events

- Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 18:30: reception at IHEP restaurant;

- Thursday, Oct. 15 at 9:00: Excursion to the Great Wall, Ming Tomb, and Olympic Stadium

- Thursday, Oct. 15 at 18:30: Conference banquet

7. Proceedings

The conference proceeding will be published by Chinese Physics C as a formal edition. There will be a peer review procedure. The deadline for submitting the proceeding is December 31, 2009. We have to keep this date strictly in order to reduce the publication time. The detailed instruction will be available on the web after the conference, and one has to follow the journal template to produce the required format.

8. Network Access

Wireless access to the internet is available at the conference site. The instruction will be available in the conference package. Internet access is also available in the hotels.

9. Contact

If you have any questions or comments, please send an e-mail message to the following address: phipsi09@ihep.ac.cn

10. Satellite Meeting

A Satellite Meeting will be held on Saturday, Oct. 17, by the "RADIO MONTECARlow" Working Group. The aim of this Working Group is to bring together theorists and experimentalists in order to discuss the current status of radiative corrections and Monte Carlo generators at low energies. Further information on the working group and its previous meetings can be found at http://www.lnf.infn.it/wg/sighad/

We would like to encourage the participants of the PHIPSI09 workshop to extend their stay and to attend also this meeting.

If you have questions concerning the Satellite Meeting, please contact
Henryk Czyz: czyz@us.edu.pl,
Graziano.Venanzoni: graziano.venanzoni@lnf.infn.it
Ping Wang: wangp@ihep.ac.cn

11. Important dates

Deadline for abstract: Sept. 15, 2009
Deadline of the registration: Sept. 15, 2009
Arrival: October 12-13, 2009
Beginning of the meeting: October 13, 2009
End of the meeting: October 16, 2009
Satellite meeting: October 17, 2009
Deadline for the proceedings: December 31, 2009


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