Topical Seminar on Frontier of Particle Physics 2005: Heavy Flavor Physics

Beijing, China

August 13-17, 2005



Topics and Lecturers




Program and Reports

List of Participants

Survey Result


Beijing can be reached by all major international airlines. Domestic participants can also take trains and buses.

It is most convenient for you to take taxi from the Beijing Capital Airport to IHEP or ITP. This takes about 40 minutes to 1 hour, and costs about $15 to $20 USD. Here is the Map: Airport to IHEP (please pay attention to the red color) Map of IHEP

Participants are expected to arrive in Beijing no later than 7:30 am, Aug. 13th. The seminar shuttles will leave for the Holiday Resort at 7:30 am, Aug. 13th, from IHEP and ITP. A reception followed by the welcome cocktail will start at 18:30 pm at the seminar site.

If your flight arrives on Aug. 12th, you are recommended to stay one night at IHEP's or ITP's guest house. A standard room with two beds costs about $25 USD. Please contact the seminar secretary for the room reservation.

last modified 22/7/2005

