Topical Seminar on Frontier of Particle Physics 2002: Neutrinos and Cosmology

Yun Hu Holiday Resort of Mi Yun �� Beijing �� China

August 20th - 25th , 2002

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The Summer Topical Seminar on Frontier of Particle Physics 2002 -- Neutrinos and Cosmology will be held in the Yun Hu Holiday Resort of Mi Yun, Beijing, from August 20th (Tuesday) to August 25th (Sunday), 2002.

The Yun Hu Holiday Resort is located by the charming Mi Yun Reservoir internal lake in the suburb of Beijing. A number of scenic spots and historical sites are around, including the Simatai Great Wall, Black Dragon Pond and White Dragon Pond. Detailed information about the Yun Hu Holiday Resort can be found from here (Yun Hun).

The number of participants is limited to 60. The deadline of registration is June 30th, 2002.

The Topical Seminar consists of two parts:

  • A number of lectures given by internationally distinguished physicists to cover the status and prospects of neutrino physics and cosmology.
  • Some short presentations on the related topics from young researchers. It is designed to encourage much discussion and cross-fertilization of physics ideas between the lecturers and the audience.
Organizing Committee:
  • Yu-Qi Chen (ITP)
  • Qiu-Yu Liu (USTC)
  • Min-Xin Luo (Zhe-Jiang univ.)
  • Jian-Ping Ma (ITP)
  • Yi-Fang Wang (IHEP, chair)
  • Zhi-Zhong Xing (IHEP)
  • Chang-Gen Yang (IHEP)
  • Jin-Min Yang (ITP)
  • Ming-Han Ye (CCAST)
  • Xin-Min Zhang (IHEP, co-chair)

Contact Information:

Mr. Tong-Zhou Xu , Seminar Secretary
Institute of High Energy Physics
P.O. Box 918
Beijing 100039

Phone: +86-10-6823 5014
Fax: +86-10-6821 3374

The Great Wall

This activity is sponsored by the following institutes:

Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP)
Institute of Theoretical Physics (ITP)
China Center for Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST)
University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP)

last modified 29/8/2002 