Workshop on Future PRC-U.S. Cooperation in High Energy Physics

Beijing, China, June 11 - 18,  2006

      The Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Science will hold a workshop June 11 - 18, 2006 in Beijing to strengthen and promote cooperation in high energy physics between the Peoples Republic of China and the United States.

     The latter part of this decade will be a time of major transition in particle physics, as the LHC begins operation and exploration of the high energy frontier moves to Europe. In the same time period, it is planned that the Tevatron collider at Fermilab and the PEP-II B-Factory at SLAC will be shut down. While many U.S. physicists will be involved in the research program of the two major detectors at the LHC, others will become engaged in accelerator and non-accelerator particle physics experiments away from the high energy frontier. Many will have unprecedented experience in extracting physics from large data sets obtained from collider experiments.

     In particular, physics opportunities exist in China working in relatively modest-sized collaborations, such as those carrying out the BES-III experiment at the BEPC-II electron-positron collider and the Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment. With the realization that these excellent opportunities are available, at the last meeting of the PRC/U.S. Joint Committee on High Energy Physics it was decided to sponsor and organize this Workshop on PRC-US Cooperation in High Energy Physics.

     During the Workshop, the current status of the Chinese high energy physics program will be reviewed with an emphasis on the physics potential of the experiments and the opportunities to fully realize that potential with increased collaboration. Concrete proposals, with strengthened Sino-American collaboration in high energy physics are expected to follow from the Workshop.



Hesheng Chen(IHEP)

Fred Gilman (Carnegie- Mellon University)


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