BES Publication Checklist

Prepared according to the BES Publication Policy.
(Updated June 23, 1996)

Date completed
Analysis document delivered to spokespersons and made available to the Collaboration. The Collaboration is asked to respond within two weeks, excluding holidays: __________________
Spokespersons appoints Referee Committee:

  • Name of Referee 1: __________________

  • Name of Referee 2: __________________

  • Name of Referee 3: __________________


Referee Committee members respond with comments to authors of paper within two weeks of committee formation:

Referee 1

Referee 2

Referee 3




Authors answer questions, make required checks or changes to their analysis, and draft a paper. This step is completed when the Referee Committee decides by consensus that the paper should be reported to the collaboration. __________________

Authors distribute the draft paper to the Collaboration. It is sufficient to place the paper on a non-public anonymous ftp site and communicate the location (URL)to the Collaboration __________________

Comments are collected from the Collaboration for a four week period during which there is a discussion of the paper at a Collaboration Meeting at IHEP or in the US according to the nationality of the authors. __________________

Approval of paper at Collaboration Meeting: __________________

Four week comment period ends. __________________

Authors distribute the final draft to the collaboration and request permission from the Chinese and U.S. spokespersons to submit the paper for publication. __________________

Spokespersons review that the draft paper has been prepared in accordance with the BES Publication policy and grant permission to submit the paper for publication. __________________

Authors submit paper for publication. __________________

Authors should respond to journal referee comments and questions, make changes requested by journal referees in consultation with the BES Referee committee for the paper. Referee comments and responses should be made available collaboration members who request to see them.
Authors inform the Chinese and U.S. spokespersons of the acceptance or rejection of the paper. In the event of rejection, the Authors should consult the Spokespersons regarding further steps that may be taken, including the possible submission of the paper to a different journal. __________________