Publication Policy of the Beijing Spectrometer Collaboration

(Updated June 23, 1996)

New physics analyses to be presented in conferences or to be submitted for publications should satisfy following requirements:

  1. A presentation should be given in IHEP or at a U.S. group meeting. There must be consensus that the physics results are presentable before the physics results are shown outside the BES group. The Chinese and U.S. Spokespersons must give their explicit approval before new physics results are presented at a conference or submitted for publication.

  2. It is desirable but not required that an analysis be done by both the Chinese and U.S. sides. All parties involved in an analysis subject are encouraged to communicate openly from the early stages of the analysis.

  3. The Chinese and U.S. Spokespersons will update each other at regular intervals concerning analysis work in progress on their respective sides.

  4. An analysis document in English should be made available to all BES members prior (>1 month) to a conference presentation to allow sufficient time for responses. In practice this should be done before a group meeting to allow discussion. If there changes in the analysis and/or changes in the final results due to reanalysis, these new cuts and new results should appear in an appendix to the analysis document.

  5. The analysis document should contain all analysis cuts, data sets used, relevant plots, and numerical results. The document should be sufficiently detailed to make it possible for other BES members to reproduce the same results. The document should be available on line to enable all BES members to easily print out a copy. The document can be in postscript or html with plots.

  6. Response to the analysis document from the collaboration needs to be sent to the authors within a reasonable time, i.e. two (2) weeks, excluding holidays to allow time for proper responses.

  7. A necessary condition for paper writing for publication is the availability of the corresponding analysis document.

  8. For publication, a Referee Committee of 3 people with both Chinese and U.S. members should be formed to evaluate the analysis results and the paper to be published. The committee members will be chosen by the Spokespersons after discussion with the relevant people. The Referee Committee's duty is to raise questions, correct errors, suggest modifications, and require necessary checks or changes. It is the responsibility of the Referee Committee to respond to the analysis note within two (2) weeks of the formation of the committee.

  9. After the Referee Committee reaches a consensus that a paper is ready, the paper draft should be made available to the collaboration for written responses and public discussion. A discussion of the paper should be done in a collaboration meeting at IHEP if the authors reside in China or in the U.S. if the authors reside in the U.S. The collaboration should mainly comment on scientific and technical aspects of the paper. The stylistic aspects of the paper should be controlled by the authors. All responses should be returned to the authors within four (4) weeks of the time the paper was distributed to the collaboration.

  10. Draft publications should be clearly identified as drafts and should be circulated only among BES collaborators.

A Publication Timeline and Checklist has been prepared to help BES authors comply with this publication policy.