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[ Setup your environment on koala]
------------------------By Ma Qiumei

   Setting up your environment

1.     make a directory for your environment setting

for example:

$mkdir cmthome

2.     make a directory as your workarea

For example:

 $mkdir workarea

3.     copy two template files to your directory (for example: cmthome)

$cp /home/maqm/template/cmthome/setupCMT.sh  ~/cmthome

$cp /home/maqm/template/cmthome/requirements  ~/cmthome

4.  connect with CMT 

    $ source setupCMT.sh

5.     modify the requirements file

$vi requirements

Note: perhaps need to modified:

        set BES_RELEASE 4.3.0

    macro WorkArea "${HOME}/workarea"

    etc.  If some problems , please let me know. maqm@ihep.ac.cn

6.     config your environment setting:

$ cmt config

$source setup.sh    or  source setup.csh    

   How to run a simple example---ExHelloWorld  

1.     setting your CVSROOT right , for our source code were in CVS

$ export CVSROOT=':pserver:maqm@koala.ihep.ac.cn:/bes/bes'


$ setenv CVSROOT  ‘:pserver:maqm@koala.ihep.ac.cn:/bes/bes‘


$ cp  /home/maqm/template/cmthome/setupCVS.sh

$ source  setupCVS.sh

2.      login in

$cvs login

Then input your cvsuser password.

3.     Checking out the package TestRelease from CVS

$cmt co TestRelease

4.  Customizing it : selecting components

   $cd  Testrelease/*/cmt

   add the used packages

   $vi requirements       

for example: add the following sentences into requirements

     use ExHelloWorld ExHelloWorld-*  BesExamples

5. config and compile

$cmt broadcast gmake

$source setup.sh    or  source setup.csh    

$cd ../run

6.Run the example---ExHelloWorld

$boss.exe HelloWorldOptions.txt 

   How to run a reconstruction_together jobOptions:

1.     Checking out the package TestRelease from CVS

$cmt co TestRelease

    $cd  Testrelease/*/cmt

2. Config and compile

$cmt broadcast gmake

$source setup.sh    or  source setup.csh    

$cd ../run

3. Running the reconstruction_together

$boss.exe jobOptions_rec.txt


       In this jobOptions, you can select types of reconstruction, numbers of event, types of output files ,and etc.

   How to run a simulation jobOptions:

1.     Checking out the package TestRelease from CVS

$cmt co TestRelease

    $cd  Testrelease/*/cmt

2. Config and compile

$cmt broadcast gmake

$source setup.sh    or  source setup.csh   

$cd ../run

3. Running the simulation algorithm

$boss.exe jobOptions_sim.txt

Copyright @ 2005 . Designed by Wen Shuopin.