Workshop on Tau-Charm Physics

June 13 – 15, 2006, Beijing, China

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                        Workshop Goal                                                     
    Hadron spectroscopy and Charm physics are becoming more exciting, this revival interesting has been driven by experimental reports of the narrow DsJ states, X(3872),  related experiments, the proton-antiproton threshold enhancement observed at BESII also attracted people's attention. In the meanwhile, MIMD Lattice Calculation (MILC) and High Precision QCD (HPQCD) collaborations predicted fD+ = 201±3±17MeV, CLEO-c collaboration also reported the result fD+= 223±16±8 MeV. The two results agree well within the errors of about 8% for each. It will challenge the theoretical prediction and provide important tests of the predictive powers of lattice QCD.

    BESIII at BEPCII under construction in Beijing can accumulate 10′109 J/y , 3x109 y (2S) , 30 million or 2 million pairs per running year, respectively, when it is turned to run at resonances in 2007. Coupled with what is available at CLEO-c, BESIII will make it possible for the first time to study in detail the light hadron spectroscopy in the decays of charmonium states and the charmed mesons. In addition, about 90 million pairs will be collected at BESIII in three years at y(3770) peak.Many high precision measurements, 

including CKM matrix elements related to Charm  weak decays , decay constants fD+ (fDs), Dalitzdecays of D meson and absolute decay branching fraction and so on, will be achieved.

    BESIII will provide the most promising probe of New Physics in Charm sector with modern techniques and unprecedented high statistical data sample, by studying the Oscillations and CP violation in Charm decays. Searching for rare D, Charmonium and tau decays will be available, such as lepton number and flavor violated decays, invisible decays related to search for light Dark Matter particle candidates. The study of tau-Charm physics can reveal the possible presence of New Physics in low energy region.

    The workshop will give detail discussions on tau-Charm physics in the next few years, both theoretical and experimental studies will be covered. Extensive review of the more recent theoretical developments and experimental techniques will be presented. Some intense discussions on the following physics topics will be especially addressed: possible innovation on Partial Wave Analysis (PWA), theoretical and experimental techniques on Dalitz plot analysis in D decays, analysis tools to extract the absolute branching fraction, decay constants, form factors, CP parameters and parameters in Oscillations. The motivation of tau lepton physics near the threshold will be also studied so that a plan can be made at BESIII.

    A tau-Charm Physics book is desired which detailing the scientific case for the program. This book could be useful for the future planning, for attracting new collaborators, as a useful handbook for the physicists working on this field.


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